
How Movement Works - Instructor Bio

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Lori Stevens

Lori Stevens
Photo Credit: Carol Whitfield -

Lori Stevens uses humane and scientific methods to improve the health, behavior, and performance of animals. Her experience is holistic and incorporates respect for animals as teachers. She continually studies the interactions among animal behavior, movement, learning, and health, and this effort is reflected in her innovative approach.

Lori is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer, a certified Small Animal Massage Practitioner, a Certified Canine Fitness Trainer, and a Certified Parrot Behavior Consultant, as well as a Senior Tellington TTouch practitioner for dogs, cats, and other animals. Lori is the creator of the Balance Harness®. She teaches seminars and presents at conferences, including ClickerExpo, where she has presented on both aging dogs and fitness.

Learn more about Lori on her website or Facebook or Instagram.

© 2024 Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.