
How Movement Works - Syllabus

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HMW 2023 Syllabus

New movement exercises will be covered. For each exercise, the following will be covered:

  • How to set up the environment
  • Suggestions for how to teach each behavior
  • Proper alignment (you and your learner)
  • Benefits of the movement
  • Possible challenges and how to address them

Homework will include teaching your learner the exercise and submitting video.

Week 1

  • Review of the ABCs
  • How to get behaviors
    • Movement behaviors
    • Reinforcement strategy
  • Mechanics
    • Practice: without and then with your learner
  • Setting your dog up for success
    • Injuries (current or previous)
    • Veterinarian checkup
    • Nails
    • Weight Management
  • The training environment
  • Getting baseline data
    • Informal and documented
      • Written, photos, and video
    • Behavior challenges
  • Movement work
    • Targeting
      • Nose-to-hand targeting
      • Following your finger

Week 2

  • Teaching movement behaviors
  • Alignment
    • Observing alignment
    • Changing alignment for the better
  • Training sessions
    • Video
    • Length of training sessions
  • Shaping and luring
    • Use of nose-to-hand
    • Use of following your finger
  • Orientation to platform and why it matters
  • Movement work
    • Targeting
      • Front paws (platform)
      • Four paws (platform)

Week 3

  • Proprioception
  • Circuits
    • Movement is fitness
    • Benefits of circuits
  • Movement work
    • Targeting
      • Hind paws to target
      • Paw to hand (dog lifts a paw to your hand)
    • Cavaletti/pole work

Week 4

  • Raising criteria
  • Frequency, repetitions, and duration
  • Observation
    • Honing your observation skills
  • Movement work
    • Chin rest
    • Sphinx-down to stand

Week 5

  • Taking it ouside
  • Finding balance
    • Adjusting their own alignment
  • Working with fearful dogs
  • Movement work
    • Targeting
      • Backing up to target
      • Standing in balance

Week 6

  • Engagement and frustration
  • Working with aging dogs
  • Movement work
    • Rock-back sit to stand
    • Spin
    • Figure 8s

Week 7

  • Variations and creativity
  • Unstable equipment
  • Movement work
    • Tuck-sit to stand
    • Cavaletti variations

Week 8

  • Case studies
  • Fear to confidence
  • Reactivity to confidence
  • Generalization
  • The big picture
  • Movement work
    • Ipsilateral targeting
© 2024 Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.