
How Retrieving Works - Dates, Times and CEUs

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Dates and Times

How Retrieving Works is an eight-week course. Each class is two hours long and is taught once a week on Friday from 12:00-2:00PM Mountain Time. Be sure to adjust your schedule for time zones. Links to time and date converters are below.

How Retrieving Works - Summer 2024 Dates

All times are in the Mountain Time Zone (Denver USA)
Fridays: 12:00-2:00PM

Week 1: June 7
Week 2: June 14
Week 3: June 21
Week 4: June 28
Week 5: July 5
Week 6: July 12
Week 7: July 19
Week 8: July 26

Students will receive a PDF of the slides, and the teleconference phone number, access code and other logistical information in an e-mail delivered after payment and shortly before the course begins.


CCPDT CEUs awarded: 8 for trainers and 7.5 for behavior consultants
KPA CEUs awarded: 16
IAABC CEUs: pending

© 2024 Susan G. Friedman, Ph.D.